Tips to Seizing the Day in Koh Samui

Koh Samui is the second largest island in Thailand, with an area of 88.3 square miles (228.7 square kilometers). From culture to adventure to relaxation to food, Koh Samui has something for everyone. However, if you find your ship has an early mid-day all aboard, it is imperative to make a quick escape from the ship so you can take full advantage of all the island has to offer, as this is a tender port.

While you can only scratch the surface of the island in one day, here are some tips for making the most of it!

1. Get off on first tender, and pick a strategic seat


Set your alarm early and queue up to be on the first tender boat to avoid the post-breakfast rush. The island often provides larger tender boats to ferry passengers to and from the pier, so be sure to choose a seat close to the exit to avoid a fifteen minute hold up behind other travelers getting off.

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2. Don’t get tied up with taxi drivers

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You will be bamboozled with drivers offering taxi tours and excursions around the island. Politely decline without slowing down. If you pause to show interest, you’ll attract five more guides who will shove brochures in your face.

3. Utilize the currency exchange on the dock

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Rather than waiting in line at guest services, exchange your money shoreside at a convenient currency exchange booth that you will see to the left after walking down the pier. While most places will accept US dollars, local currency will always be you cheaper option.

4. Rent a car or hire a driver

As you make it to the end of the pier, you will see more taxis for hire as well as a few car rental options to your right. While drivers right off the tender will charge $25-$30 an hour to take you around for the day, the taxis at the end of the pier will be closer to $20/hour and a car rental will be around 700 TBH (roughly $25 USD) for the whole day.

If you are simply going to a beach and want a one way ride, consider using Grab (the Uber of Southeast Asia). We have seen quick rides to be beach cost upwards of $80 when they should be a fraction of that price, and Grab is a great way to be sure you are getting the best price.

While renting a car is the cheapest option, be aware that it can be risky. The roads have a fair amount of potholes and it's easy to get lost, which can pose the possibility of missing all aboard.

If you do decide to rent a car, follow these tips:

-Take a picture of where you rented the car from so you don’t forget.

-Clearly say what time you will returning to ensure the owner won’t take a siesta at the moment you need your license back.

-Take extensive pictures of the car, noting any dings or scratches, to avoid paying for someone else’s poor driving.

Final Thoughts

Now that you are off the ship in a timely fashion with the ability to cruise about, the day is yours to seize! Whether you want to marvel at the temples, rough it through some waterfalls, or simply kick back on a beach, you'll get a taste of island life that will leave you wanting more.


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